RHS Class of 1959

 Bill Frazier

                                                               WILLIAM  GLENN  FRAZIER

  5-19-41  -  1-18-82

Bill was born May 19, 1941 at Ellsworth.  Graduated from Russell H.S. in 1959 and attended Emporia State College and Ft. Hays State;  and worked as a consultant in the Topeka State Hospital.  He served as an aide to Sen. Robert Dole at various times in his career, and at one point, served as the head of his K.C. office.  He also worked for the General Services Administration, the Dept. of Housing & Urban  Development, and retired as a public information officer for ACTION in 1979 at the age of 38.  

He was a member of Trinity Methodist Church and is survived by his mother Theresa Frazier.  Memorials may be made to the American Heart Association.



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